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3,2,1 Blast off!

Liz Ortiz

3..2..1..Blast off!!

The rocket shoots up to the sky! The crowd’s eyes quickly follow. Some begin to point and shout, “I see it!” and “It’s going to land over there!” A couple of the kids run over to catch it! They come running back with big smiles. I ask, “Who’s next?” Several kids raise their rockets in the air, ready for their turn. Speaking only in French was a bit challenging for me, as I led four groups of campers in building, decorating, and launching rockets. Initially, I was worried that I may not communicate something correctly and that the rockets wouldn’t work. But God helped me. The kids loved making their rockets, and I was relieved and overjoyed on launch day when all the rockets successfully launched!

July was a busy month with summer camps on the Parole de Vie campus. In addition to the rocket-making, I also led the craft time. I had been working for months prior to camp, coming up with the crafts and preparing them. Each of my groups of campers loved the crafts. Thursday was a special day as it was when we made the wordless inspired cross. I was able to explain the meaning of the cross and the plan of salvation, all in French! I praise God for the progress that I have made in French. I am thankful for the opportunity to lead these activities and continue to work on my French. Thank you for those who prayed for the camp and gave financially towards the craft supplies. You helped make a difference at camp. I look forward to the day I lead a group of Togolese kids in making the wordless inspired cross and share the plan of salvation to French-speaking kids in Africa.

During a mealtime at camp, I was approached by a summer staff leader. He asked about my story and calling to missions. After we talked for a bit, he asked if I could share my testimony (in French) next week to the highschoolers who were working as summer staff. I said yes. Léonie helped me practice my French pronunciation for my testimony. When the time came for me to share my testimony, I was nervous, but I prayed that God would help me. I took a deep breath and began. After I finished sharing, there was a time for questions. I was able to understand and respond to all of the questions in French. The highschoolers and other staff thanked me for sharing. I felt overwhelmed with joy. I did it! I successfully shared my testimony in French! I thanked God for helping me. I then ran over to admin building to my professors’ offices. I smiled big as I told them, “I shared my testimony in French and was understood!” What a joyful moment! Praise the Lord!

At the end of July, I flew to Michigan. Camp season is over, and class is not in session. During the break I am preparing for my big move to Togo in January. I am sorting through my belongings and making lists of things I need for Togo. When I am not focusing on the above, I am spending time with family and friends. I am glad I can be home at this time as I was able to celebrate my niece’s 2nd birthday and will celebrate my dad’s birthday right before I head back to Canada!

I am home until August 24th . I will then return to Canada for my final semester of language school! I can hardly believe that I am near the end of my time in Canada. I am grateful for time there and look forward to what God has in store these next few months. Thank you for joining me on this journey and praying. God is good, all the time. He is good!

God bless,

Liz Ortiz

Prayer Requests:

· Pray for wisdom as I am preparing for the move to Togo in January

· Pray for good quality time with friends and family while I’m home

· Pray for a safe trip back to Canada on August 24th

· Pray that I would not be anxious about French

· Pray for Léonie and me as we share an apartment

· Pray for patience and diligence as I study and learn the French language.

· Pray for an ASL interpreter for Togo – big opportunity for one!


· Praise God that craft time went well!

· Praise God that rocket making went well!

· Praise God that I made it back to Michigan!

· Praise God for the opportunity to serve at summer camp here in Quebec!

· Praise God for camp ministry!

· Praise God for the apartment!

· Praise God for progress in the language

· Praise God for the wonderful community here at Parole de Vie.

· Praise God for all my wonderful partners!



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