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A Year of "Uff Da" Moments

Liz Ortiz

How do you put into a words a year like 2021? This is not an easy task! However, there is a word that comes to mind. Actually, I'm not even sure it is a real word. The word is "Uff da!" Growing up, my Norwegian Grandpa Strand would often say, "Uff da!" He would say it after he had a delicious meal and was completely satisfied. He would say it when something discouraged him. Whether a happy or sad moment, "Uff da!" was how it was expressed. There have been lots of "Uff da" moments this year. I am grateful for them all, because through it all God showed that He is and always will be good. Pictured above is a few of my favorite moments of 2021.

After several months of travel for ministry visits and training, I stayed put. However, that didn’t mean that things got any less busy. This month I received my final clearances from ABWE, visited a supporting church, got fully funded, spent time with family, and booked my flight to Quebec! I fly out January 10th . The new documents for my visa have been submitted for review. I been told that I should be able to cross the border (and given a 90 day tourist visa), as long as I can prove that my student visa is being processed. However, I prefer to have it finalized beforehand! Please keep praying that my visa will be processed and approved quickly.

Thank you for coming on this journey with me. I am incredibly thankful for each and every one of my partners who have prayed for me, encouraged me, and given towards my ministry. You are a blessing to me! God has great things in store. I’m excited for what is next.

God bless,

Liz Ortiz

Prayer Requests:

● Pray that my visa will be processed and approved quickly!

● Pray for a safe flight to Quebec on January 10th !

● Pray for all the last-minute details as I prepare to move to Quebec.

● Pray that I will adjust well to life in Quebec

● Pray for patience as I study and learn the French language.

● Pray for T that the Lord would open his eyes to the gospel as I lead him through the “Story of Hope.”

● Pray for an ASL interpreter for Togo – big opportunity for one!

● Pray for more opportunities for me to practice signing.


● Praise God for 100% of my monthly support!

● Praise God for 100% of my one-time expenses support!

● Praise God that my grandfather, Leonard Ortiz, cancer is in full remission!

● Praise God for all my wonderful partners!

● Praise God for quality family time this month.

● Praise God that I received all my clearances from ABWE!

● Praise God for the new public deaf school near where I lived!



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