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Liz Ortiz

“Joyeux anniversaire, Clarisse!” We all clapped and cheered as Christy cut the cake. This was a reunion that I had been waiting for. We were celebrating Clarisse’s birthday at Jonas’ home. Clarisse was a teacher at the Christian school when Jonas attended. She has a heart for the deaf and is eager to learn. I enjoyed working with her the last time I was in Togo. We didn’t speak the same language, but we connected and worked well together. Learning a new language is hard. There were many days in language school when I struggled. However, on those days, I often thought about Clarisse. I wanted to know French so that I could speak with her and others. I wanted deeper relationships in Togo that knowing French would make possible. I looked forward to seeing Clarisse again. However, when I returned, I found out that she had moved to the North of Togo. I was happy to learn that she was returning to the south for the Summer break. When we pulled up to the sidewalk where Clarisse was standing, I was filled with joy. I gave her a big hug. “Je vous contente de voir!” (I’m happy to see you). We then went over to Jonas’ house where I saw Jonas’ family. They were all excited to see me. It was great to be all together again.

Jonas’ family wanted to take us on an outing. We drove a few minutes down this narrow dirt road. At the end of the road was a colorful bridge over a big river. We walked across the bridge and took lots of pictures. As we walked back, we decided to climb down to the river. We wade into the river. Every had a great time. There was lots of smiles and laughter. Clarisse exclaimed that it was a great birthday for her. Before we left, we told Jonas’ family about deaf camp. We invited Jonas and his brother, Shadrach, to come. Shadrach is not deaf, but signs with Jonas. I thought it would be nice for Jonas to have someone to go with him to camp. We said our goodbyes and that we would see them soon.

One thing I have learned about life here in Togo is that plans are always changing. Deaf camp was planned to start on Thursday, afternoon. Some of the leaders of the camp decided to change the start of camp to be on Friday afternoon instead. However, not everyone got this information. We had 70 people show up for camp on Thursday afternoon. They decided to start the camp activities Friday morning. One of the first people to arrive was our pastor friend Mawussé and his family. He is a deaf pastor in Lomé. He led the deaf dinner that we hosted in June. We went with him and his family to a nearby waterfall. We had a lot of fun. It was great to see them again.

Later that afternoon, Jonas, Shadrach, and Clarisse arrived. We ate dinner together and spent the evening playing Bingo and Uno. There was lots of laughter and fun. The next day, the camp gathered and did a count. 5 countries were represented at the camp: Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, and USA. 107 people came and participated in camp. It was great connecting with many and making new friends.

The leaders asked if we could lead a time for games. We spent an afternoon doing relay races, stilt walking, and tug-a-war. Everyone had a great time. At the end of camp everyone was talking about how they enjoyed camp and want to do it here next year. During the preaching times, several invitations were given at the end. 12 people came forward saying they wanted to give their lives to Christ. Please pray for these 12 that they would grow in their faith. Please pray for wisdom as the camp program is developed and how we might best move forward with it. Overall, the camp went well. I am hopeful for the future of camp ministry.

My highlight from camp was seeing how much Jonas has grown in his language development. He can be a bit shy to sign in front of me. I was encouraged to see him signing with others and making new friends. Another highlight was spending time with Clarisse. She was eager to participate in the camp and learn all the signs she could. I admire her joyful spirit and heart for the deaf. I wish that she lived closer.

Thank you so much for your encouragement, prayers, and support on this journey. It is exciting to see God working here. I’m thankful for your partnership in this ministry.

God bless,

Liz Ortiz


Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for the blind students have arrived back on campus. Please pray for the students’ health and their studies as the school year starts again.

  • In January, I loaded several boxes onto a container in Lansing to be shipped to Togo. The container is on its way. Praise the Lord! It should arrive in port on September 24th. Please pray that it will arrive safely and that there will be no issues.

  • We will be meeting with the director of a nearby Deaf school soon to discuss plans for the year. Please pray for wisdom and God’s guidance in the conversation.

  • Pray for my ability to communicate. I desire to grow in my confidence in speaking French and signing. The difference in accent and vocabulary can be a bit overwhelming at times.

  • Please pray that I would not be overwhelmed in French or sign language and that I would be able to understand and be understood in the language.

  • Please pray for wisdom as I develop the ministry. I will be traveling and visiting the different public deaf schools. Pray for protection as I travel and that good connections are made.


  • Praise God that camp went well!

  • Praise God that 12 people came forward at camp!

  • Praise God that Ariana received her resident card!

  • Praise God that my French online class and French tutoring are going well!

  • Praise God that my friend P, who has the brain tumor, has been taking a new medication. It has helped a lot! Praise the Lord! Please pray that her health continues to improve.

  • Praise God for my progress in the language

  • Praise God for all my wonderful partners!

Thank you First Baptist Church Albion, Michigan for the cards of encouragement. There was a little delay with me receiving them, but they arrived! Thank you so much! My heart is full. What a blessing you are. Thank you for your partnership in ministry.



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