Fresh Start
“What are you looking for?” the car dealer asked me as I sat in his office. I had test driven a few vehicles and had not found what I was looking for yet. “Something reliable, automatic, can handle snow, and room for storage,” I replied. The dealer types on his computer and turns his screen around, “How you feel about a van?” I nodded. The dealer handed me the keys. “How about you take it for a test drive.” My dad and I opened the van doors. I could immediately picture driving in Quebec. I was meeting friends for coffee and having French conversations. I was bringing Bible school students to church. I was visiting my friends in Quebec City. I blinked and I was back with my dad in the passenger seat. “This drives really nice, better than the others we have tried.” I turned to my dad with a big smile, “I think this is the one.” I am incredibly grateful for God leading me to the right vehicle. I am excited to drive it back to Quebec. I look forward to all the ministry opportunities it will bring.
It has been a busy month as I helped my older brother and his family move back to Michigan from Pennsylvania. It has been fun to be able to spend this time with my nieces and nephew. I also helped moved my little brother into his dorm at college. He is attending Hope College and is studying Computer Science. Please pray that the Lord would guide Philip as he begins this new chapter.
At the end of August my family went on a vacation to Florida. All three of my brothers, my sister-in-law, nephew, nieces, mom, and I all went. This was the first time that we all took a trip together like this. We had some great quality family time and made many memories. Unfortunately, it was too difficult for my dad to travel. Although I wish he could have been with us in person, I am thankful for technology that allowed him to join us virtually. This was such a special trip that I will always remember.
Sometimes things don't go the way you planned them to go. But it's okay. Because I know changes or delays doesn't take God by surprise. It doesn't ruin his plan. His plan is perfect. Last week, I took my French placement exam. Unfortunately, I didn't pass. I will be repeating the beginner's level. I won't lie, I was discouraged by the result. But I'm choosing not to look at it as a failure, instead as a fresh start. This last semester was hard with the passing of my grandfather and several other loved ones. I'm thankful for those who have come alongside me this summer to help me process the grief. I feel refreshed and ready to begin again. I have been sick and been unable to drive back to Canada yet. I am hoping to make the trip soon. Your prayers would be appreciated that I would feel better soon! Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. It means a lot to me. I'm looking forward to this semester and seeing all that God has to teach me.
So, here we go: restart, reset, refocus, ready, set, and go!
Liz Ortiz
Prayer Requests:
● Pray that I would get well soon
● Pray for safe travels to Canada
● Pray for patience as I study and learn the French language.
● Pray for an ASL interpreter for Togo – big opportunity for one!
● Pray for more opportunities for me to practice signing.
● Praise God that I found a vehicle!
● Praise God for a wonderful family vacation.
● Praise God for this time that I can be home.
● Praise God that my little brother, Philip is settled in his dorm.
● Praise God for the wonderful community here at Parole de Vie.
● Praise God for all my wonderful partners!
● Praise God that Jonas is doing well in school