Old Friends and New Ones

A young girl came over to greet us as we pulled up next to the school for the deaf. Christy turned to me, “Do you remember her? It’s our friend!” My eyes got big, “Dora!” I smiled as I gave her a hug. I had met her 5 years ago at the school. Now, Dora is not her real name. It was a nickname that I gave her. She was one of the teacher’s daughter. Dora is nonverbal and has some cognitive disabilities. When I first met her she was always exploring and curious about everything. So I called her Dora the Explorer. It was great to see her again. She still had the same curiosity and smile.

The visit to the school for the deaf went great. Ariana was able to understand what was being signed, and she helped with a math lesson. Some of the older students and staff remembered me. The director of the school could hardly believe that it had been 5 years since we last met. He was welcoming to us and is eager to work with us. He has a big heart for the deaf and wants to provide good educational opportunities for them. He is open to us sharing the Gospel at the school. He has a second school for the deaf in a town 45 minutes from us. We are going to visit that school later this week. We were encouraged by this visit and look forward to working with them. Please pray for the Director’s heart. I do not know if he is a Believer or not, but he is open to the Gospel being in his schools. Please pray for wisdom as we develop this relationship.

Thank you for praying about my confidence in driving. I have driven several times and no one or no thing has been harmed! I have also driven to market and back on my own without getting lost! I am celebrating these small victories and praising God! Another praise is that I bought a truck! It checked all my boxes for what I was looking for an vehicle and was under my budget. There was only one problem for me. It is a manual drive. I had never driven a stick shift before. Thankfully, a friend has been giving me driving lessons. I am not 100% confident in driving it, but in time and practice it will come.

This month I celebrated my first birthday being back in Togo! Hannah, Ariana, and I had made for us matching pants that we call “wacky pants.” We wore them on my birthday. I’m thankful for these ladies and glad to be doing life with them. We celebrated with cake and video games. It was a fun day. Jonas’ birthday was also this month. He is now 13 years old. It’s hard to believe that he is that old already. We are planning on visiting him in the next couple of weeks. I look forward to Ariana meeting him.

I have been in Togo for 3 months now. It feels like forever and also yesterday since I left the States. I am starting to feel more settled into life here. I’m thankful for that. The Lord is my strength and I depend on him each day. I am thankful for the community here and new friends that I am making. I have enjoyed fellowshipping with others and going to different events. Thank you for all your encouragement, prayers, and support. It means a lot. The journey isn’t always easy, but it is worth it.
God bless,
Liz Ortiz
Prayer Requests:
After a few weeks break, I will resume the weekly Bible study with the girl Blind school students. Please pray for wisdom as I prepare the lesson and that I can communicate it well in French. Please pray also for the 14 students who come to the study as God works in their lives.
Pray for my ability to communicate. I desire to grow in my confidence in speaking French and signing. The difference in accent and vocabulary can be a bit overwhelming at times. Please pray that I would not be overwhelmed in French or sign language and that I would be able to understand and be understood in the language.
Pray that I would be able to find a French language partner/tutor.
Please pray for wisdom as I develop the ministry. I will be traveling and visiting the different public deaf schools. Pray for protection as I travel and that good connections are made.
Pray for Ariana Currier, who is an ASL Interpreter, as she adjusts to life and ministry in Togo.
I am waiting on one paper in order to apply for my resident card. It is taking longer than usual. Please pray that it would come soon so I can submit my application.
Praise God that the visit to one of the school for the deaf went well!
Praise God that I’m feeling more comfortable driving!
Praise God that my visa was successfully renewed for an additional 3 months!
Praise God that all the blind students returned safely from the school break.
Praise God for the provision of a vehicle!
Praise God that I am settling well into my new home.
Praise God for my progress in the language
Praise God for all my wonderful partners!