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Thinking Back and Looking Forward

Liz Ortiz

I look at Jonas’ photo every day to remind me to pray for him. But today when I looked at his picture, I burst into tears. I miss him. I miss my life in the field. I miss teaching in Togo. I have enjoyed teaching these last few weeks with my nephew (DJ) and niece (Ani). It has reminded me how much I love teaching.

One day, DJ asked, “Aunt Lizzy, do you miss Jonas?” I was instantly brought back in my mind. I imagined I was inside the church at Amou Oblo next to the school. It’s hot and dusty. I am sitting on the wooden bench with a table in front of me. On the table are different work sheets, and beside me is Jonas looking up to me with that big smile waiting for his next instruction. I blink, returning to the present, and answer, “Yes, DJ. I miss Jonas.” I long for the day I can return, and I hope and pray that I can see Jonas again. For now, I do my best to prepare for that day. There are many obstacles ahead. But the LORD is my strength, and He will guide me. My trust is in Him alone.

It was a long drive to Pennsylvania, but I arrived safe and sound to my brother David's house. It has been an adjustment as I began homeschooling DJ and Ani. The days can be challenging, but I’m enjoying working with the kids, and I'm thankful for the place the Lord has me in. A special treat this month is that I got to meet up and have lunch with my missionary friends and colleagues, Christy and her husband Koffi. Christy oversees the Christian school ministry and was the one who introduced me to Jonas! It was a joy to catch up and talk deaf ministry. I’m excited for what the Lord has in store in Togo!

I have been leading DJ and Ani through a discipleship kids series that ABWE has called “The Way to Joy, kids edition.” The kids seem to like it. I’m thankful for this opportunity to minister to my niece and nephew. I am also leading an unbeliever, who I will call “T”, through a Bible study by ABWE called, “The Story of Hope.” Please pray that the Lord would work in and soften T’s heart to the gospel.

Thank you for all your love and support you have shown my family and me. I’m excited to see how the Lord is working and will continue to work.

Liz Ortiz

Prayer Requests:

● Pray for T that the Lord would open his eyes to the gospel.

● Pray for DJ and Ani as I lead them through this discipleship series that they would learn and grow stronger in their faith.

● Pray that I will stay diligent with my "Methods of Bible Study" online course that I'm taking as part of ABWE's training

● Pray for health and safety for my family during the pandemic, especially for my dad because he is in the high-risk group.

● Pray for an ASL interpreter for Togo – big opportunity for one!

● Pray for more opportunities for me to practice signing.

● Pray for additional partners for my ministry.


● Praise God for 67% of my monthly support!

● Praise God for 67% of my one-expenses! (outfit and passage)

● Praise God that I made it safely to PA

● Praise God that homeschooling is going well.

● Praise God that my dad got his covid vaccine!

● Praise God that Jonas is doing well adjusting back to school and his host family.


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