À la prochaine Québec!

It was my last day walking to the language school. As I took my seat in class, my professor told us that he wrote our level of French on part of final exam that he had already graded. I looked at my paper and my eyes grew big with excitement, because I had reached the level of French that my team asked me to get to. I wanted to jump up and down, but I still had one more final to take. I settled into my place, and my heart filled with gratitude as my professor began my final class as he always did with prayer.

On December 8th, Parole de Vie hosted their annual Christmas Banquet with all the staff and Bible/language school students. It was a special evening of celebrating the birth of our Savior together. A part of the banquet is also the language school graduation. I was the only language student graduating this semester. I have been in Québec for two years and have seen several of my friends graduate. It felt a little unreal that it was now my turn. My French is far from perfect, but I have made significant progress. I feel more confident in the language and can have deeper and more meaningful conversations in French. I am so thankful for my professors, the staff, students, interns, and everyone who helped me along this language-learning journey. As I walked across the stage, I knew that my grandparents and other loved ones who have passed were cheering for me from heaven. It was a wonderful evening.

I love the church I found in Québec. Everyone was so welcoming and I enjoyed making friends. The church encouraged me in my French and faith. Every Sunday I always looked forward to talking in French with my friends at church. It was a joy worshiping with my brothers and sisters in French, and it was always a highlight of my week. What a blessing Lexonville Baptiste has been in my life! This month I had the opportunity to share my testimony and ministry during the main service in French. It went great! My last Sunday in Québec, my church had their Christmas program and potluck. I was glad to be there for it and to enjoy the fellowship with my church family.

My prayer and focus this semester was to finish my time in Québec well. My last couple of weeks were busy with hosting parties, game nights, and meals. I have so many special memories. God has blessed me with many great friends in Québec. I am grateful for each of them. After loading my van with my belongings, we gathered in a circle and prayed. We followed with a large group hug. It was a special moment that I won’t forget. When I left Québec, I left a piece of my heart there. I know I will be back. I thank God for the special place in my heart where He has placed Québec. I am thankful that God answered my prayer to help me to finish my time well.

I took three days to drive the 15 hours from Québec to West Michigan. I am thankful that I have friends who live along the route that I was able to stay with. It was fun catching up friends and taking a break from driving. I also was able to stop by ABWE Canada and get a tour! It was a long trip, but it went well. It felt so good arrive at my parents’ house and finally be home.
I am happy that my brothers and their families all live in West Michigan. I have been able to spend time with them and my parents. It has been a blessing. I’m grateful for my family and thankful for this time to make memories with them. It’s good to be home.

It’s hard to believe that 2023 is over. I thank God for this last year and I look forward to what He has for me during this new year. On January 28th, I will be flying to Togo! I am excited! I have been working towards this for four years, and now the day has finally come when I can return to Togo! Please pray for me as I prepare totes to be shipped and as I weigh suitcases and get everything ready for my departure. Thank you for all your support, encouragement, and prayers on this journey. God is so good!
Bonne Année! (Happy New Year!)
Liz Ortiz
Prayer Requests:
Pray for me that I will not be overwhelmed with the preparations that I need to do for Togo.
Pray that my flight to Togo on January 28th goes well
Pray for wisdom as I am preparing for the move to Togo in January
Pray that I would stay in good health.
Pray for the Bible and Language school students that would enjoy the break from their studies.
Pray for patience and diligence as I study and learn the French language.
Pray for an ASL interpreter for Togo – big opportunity for one!
Praise God that I arrived safely back to Michigan!
Praise God that I finished well in Québec
Praise God that I have my plane tickets for Togo!
Praise God that my visa has been approved for Togo!
Praise God that my family has been in good health and enjoyed the holidays together.
Praise God for progress in the language
Praise God for the wonderful community here at Parole de Vie - I miss them already.
Praise God for all my wonderful partners!